{{Quickfixn}} Sending Time Accuracy

Ruaan Viljoen ruaanv at estuarys.co.za
Mon Sep 10 05:14:04 PDT 2012

I am having some trouble with the following, I can't seem to log on successfully to my counterparty it seems. I *think* our initiator is rejecting their logon response?
Event log:
20120910-11:45:38.994 : Sending time accuracy problem
20120910-11:45:38.994 : Message 1 Rejected: 10
20120910-11:45:38.994 : Verify failed: Tried to send a reject while not logged on

I have seen mention of CheckLatency=N to ignore some time sync issues, but I found a post by Grant
stating that it is currently not implemented in Quickfix/n. I have not found any information to the contrary,
and after adding it to my .cfg file I still het the Sending Time accuracy problems.

Am I even barking up the right tree here, or should I be looking at other causes to solve this issue (or find a workaround)?

It worked fine until yesterday, could it be time sync issues with our server or our counterparty's?

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