{{Quickfixn}} Message values

alancloughley at hotmail.com alancloughley at hotmail.com
Wed Feb 24 04:46:04 PST 2021

Hi all,


Looking for a bit of advice on getting values from messages. I've looked
online but can't find a solution or info to help me better understand why it
is not working as expected.


On my first initiator build I was able to get the field description from a
received message and display that string. For example an Executionreport
message m, I could do; m.Get(new OrdStatus()).getValue().ToString(); and I
would get the string as the field description e.g "FILLED". On my current
initiator build to a new broker the same method gives me the CHAR value of
the field only, so instead of getting the string "FILLED" I just get "2".
I've tried various different combinations of Get, getVaue, GetString etc but
I cannot get the description string, whatever I try the output is always
"2". Is there some specific code that I need to use to get the field
description output? Like I said the previous broker connection worked, this
time it does not which I find odd. Both data dictionaries for current and
previous build have the exact same field chars and descriptions listed on
the xml file.


Thanks for any help here.



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