{{Quickfixn}} QuickFIX latest version

Lanfranco Morini Lanfranco.Morini at cegeka.it
Mon Oct 5 08:56:29 PDT 2020

In FIX protocol there aren’t stable and not stable version: there are version more evolved or not…
FIX protocol is not a software with beta or alpha version…

I.e.: if you need to manage simple orders on equities, you can use FIX.4.2, if you need some more feature for Fixed Income or Derivatives FIX.4.4 is the best…
If you are an Exchange or similar, FIX.5.0 (and its Service Packs) has to be your choice.

Said that: you have a software issue, that is different from having the need to change FIX Protocol version because of new features needs; passing to a newer FIX Version will not help you to solve your problem, maybe it can be add some more…

My question for you is: how well do you know FIX Protocol, in order to understand where to focus to find a solution and fix your problem?

Best regards,

From: Quickfixn <quickfixn-bounces at lists.quickfixn.com> On Behalf Of Rajkumar R
Sent: lunedì 5 ottobre 2020 17:01
To: Mailing list for QuickFIX/n <quickfixn at lists.quickfixn.com>
Subject: {{Quickfixn}} QuickFIX latest version


We are planning to migrate from fix 4.4 to new version, since we face some issues of not receiving execution reports, so we thought whether migration helps so can you please suggest which is the stable version

With regards,
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