{{Quickfixn}} QuickFIX/n 1.9.0 released!

Grant Birchmeier gbirchmeier at connamara.com
Wed Oct 30 11:13:49 PDT 2019

I'm happy to announce the long-overdue release of QuickFIX/n v1.9.0!

Changes of note in this release:

   - Now conforms to .NET Standard 2.0.  (Anyone want to try it out on
   - Version-specific message definitions are now separated into their own
   dlls.  Instead of one giant dll, you now need 2 (or more) smaller dlls:
      - the core (QuickFix.dll)
      - the messages for only the version(s) that you’re using (e.g.
      QuickFix.FIX44.dll, QuickFix.FIX50SP1.dll, etc).
   - Hey, Europeans! Character encoding is now iso-8859-1 (aka latin1),
   bringing us in line with QuickFIX/J.  Finally, no more message rejects
   due to umlauts!
   - New!  Built-in tunnel support
   - Fixed some DD parsing issues
   - Fixed some tricky FIX50 ambiguity issues (hopefully once and for all)
   - As always, a number of other bug fixes and improvements

The full release notes are here:

You can download a zip here:

This build's source is tagged "v1.9.0" in Github.

I'm excited for everyone to try it out and let me know how it goes.


Grant Birchmeier
*Connamara Systems, LLC*
*Made-To-Measure Trading Solutions.*
Exactly what you need. No more. No less.
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