{{Quickfixn}} event log entry - MessageParseError does not contain the actual message

Mahmoud Refky mrefky at hotmail.com
Mon Jul 24 20:06:03 PDT 2017

In the log directory you will have two files per configured session

For example I have a session named FIX.4.4-CASE-EGIDB
And the log directory will contain the following files:

  1.  FIX.4.4-CASE-EGIDB.event.current.log
  2.  FIX.4.4-CASE-EGIDB.messages.current.log

If I sent a wrong messages e.g. wrong length I will have the following entries:
In the FIX.4.4-CASE-EGIDB.messages.current.log
I will see the actual message:

170725-02:51:30.753 : 8=FIX.4.49=21335=D34=2347=UTF-852=20170725-02:51:3057=EGIDB49=EGIDB50=01001a56=CASE44=5411=121=1010040021=1386=1336=NOPL55=EGS21451C01754=160=20170725-02:51:3038=140=259=0453=1448=4501447=D452=28354=6355=Public10=020

And the FIX.4.4-CASE-EGIDB.event.current.log  file I will see the error:

20170725-02:51:30.848 : Invalid message: Expected BodyLength=222, Received BodyLength=213

Wrong messages will not be sent to your applications and wont be trapped in the FromApp .

Hope that helps

M. Refky

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