{{Quickfixn}} How do I get Company ID (not name) for a trade/deal

Saha Binoy Binoy.Saha at srpnet.com
Mon May 16 15:44:58 PDT 2016

Hi All,

I am getting trade detail info via FIX44 protocol. While getting trade deals info for the day, I don’t see counter party company id, rather I see company name only along with all other details including trader name. How do I get company id which must be unique all the time. The reason I am looking for unique company id is because company names are being changed frequently and company name field is free text form while traders enter company name while making the deal online. So it’s apparent that we MUST have some kind of unique id to find that the deal belongs to some particular company (since their name might be different due to free form text field). Analogy is all companies have an EMPLOYER ID (or Tax ID) which is unique, we should not use company name to identify the company.

Thanks and best regards,

Binoy Saha

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