{{Quickfixn}} (no subject)

Grant Birchmeier gbirchmeier at connamara.com
Mon May 14 14:22:05 PDT 2012

Now that I see your message, I think your config file is not right.  Either
you aren't configured to use one, or your counterparty has made changes to
the DD that you haven't matched on your side.

375 is part of a repeating group, and its use should be preceded by tag 382
(NoContraBrokers).  But I don't even see 382 in your message.

Its possible that your counterparty changed the DD so that 375 can be in
ExecutionReport outside of a repeating group.  If this is true, then you
need to make corresponding changes to your DD (and there may be many other
changes too).  Check your counterparty's documentation.  They should have
all these DD changes documented.

Otherwise, check that your config file has UseDataDictionary=Y and
to your DD).  Without these, you *can't* parse any messages with repeating
groups, period.


On Mon, May 14, 2012 at 4:11 PM, <Peter.A.Cullen at wellsfargo.com> wrote:

>  I'm sending a test New Order Single message. The acceptor is returning
> the order as filled, 39=2, in the Execution Report. However, I'm seeing a
> TagNotDefinedForMessage error in the validation function CheckIsInMessage
> in DataDictionary.cs upon receipt of an Execution Report, Tag 35 = 8, for
> tag 375, ContraBroker. I'm using FIX 4.2.
> I was told that my data dictionary may not be configured correctly. Please
> advise.
> Here is the Execution Report:
> 8=FIX.4.2 9=323 35=8 34=3 49=NOVA 52=20120514-20:31:32.919 56=ROUTER
> 6=199.780000 11=634726098910160269/20120514-16:31:31:016 14=1.000000
> 17=2100:5028:20120514:0 20=0 21=3 30=O 31=199.780000 32=1
> 37=2100:5027:20120514 38=1.000000 39=2 40=1 54=1 55=IBM 59=0 60=
> 20120514-20:31:32 63=0 150=2 151=0.000000 375=NSDQ 7439=L 9277=Q 9883=A
> 9885=A 10=027
> Peter Cullen
> Wells Fargo Securities
> 375 Park Avenue | 3rd Floor | New York, NY 10152
> Tel 212-214-4853 | Cell 551-208-1228
> *peter.a.cullen at wellsfargo.com* <peter.a.cullen at wellsfargo.com>
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Grant Birchmeier
*Connamara Systems, LLC*
*Made-To-Measure Trading Solutions.*
Exactly what you need. No more. No less.*
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