{{Quickfixn}} (no subject)

Peter.A.Cullen at wellsfargo.com Peter.A.Cullen at wellsfargo.com
Mon May 14 14:11:15 PDT 2012

I'm sending a test New Order Single message. The acceptor is returning the order as filled, 39=2, in the Execution Report. However, I'm seeing a TagNotDefinedForMessage error in the validation function CheckIsInMessage in DataDictionary.cs upon receipt of an Execution Report, Tag 35 = 8, for tag 375, ContraBroker. I'm using FIX 4.2.
I was told that my data dictionary may not be configured correctly. Please advise.

Here is the Execution Report:


Peter Cullen
Wells Fargo Securities
375 Park Avenue | 3rd Floor | New York, NY 10152
Tel 212-214-4853 | Cell 551-208-1228

peter.a.cullen at wellsfargo.com<mailto:peter.a.cullen at wellsfargo.com>

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