{{Quickfixn}} Copy Constructor or Clone

Chris Busbey cbusbey at connamara.com
Fri May 4 07:12:29 PDT 2012

Hi Juan,

As of the current codebase, the base QuickFix::Message has a copy
constructor defined, but the generated child classes (e.g.,
Quickfix::FIX42::ExecutionReport) do not.  Currently it is possible to
iterate through the field map of a given message and set the values of the
copied message.  If this is a feature you'd like, please add it to the
issues list (https://github.com/connamara/quickfixn/issues).  And as
always, pull requests welcome.


On Thu, May 3, 2012 at 3:18 PM, Juan Manuel Truppia <jmtruppia at gmail.com>wrote:

> Is there any way to clone a message? I don't see a copy constructor or
> clone or memberwise clone available
> Thanks!
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Chris Busbey
Connamara Systems, LLC
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