{{Quickfixn}} How to change the Message Sequence Number?

Rasheed Waraich rashiedwaraich at gmail.com
Fri May 4 09:58:04 PDT 2012

Hi Experts,

I am trying to change my "Message Sequence Number" for the session.

I am facing a scenario in which upon logon my application is logged out by
the Fix Server with the logout message: "MsgSeqNum too low, expecting 87
but received 44"

I want to change my MsgSeqNum to the one expected by the server and log
back in.

I have parsed the Logout message and extracted the expecting sequence
number, but don't know how to change the sessions sequence number.

In QuickFix/j there it can be done by "Sesssion.setNextTargetMsgSeqNum()",
but in QuickFix/n (which i am using) there is no such property it only
contains "NextTargetMsgSeqNum" which is ReadOnly.


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