{{Quickfixn}} FromAdmin been called when receiving custom messages

Ados Vsmm adosvsmm at gmail.com
Wed Jan 27 10:15:03 PST 2021


We are configuring a fix connection with a new couterparty, and this CP
uses a custom message, when receiving this custom messages I get FromAdmin
been called instead of FromApp which is where a call Crack(), they have
provided us the DD, it seems right to me:

<message name="CustomMessage" msgtype="n" msgcat="app">

<filed number="35" name="MsgType" type="STRING">
<value enum="n" description="XML_NO" />

Can someone please confirm if this is the expected behavior for custom
messages? Should I just check for this message type in FromAdmin and call
Crack() when I find it?

Fix version is 4.4 and we're using Quickfix 1.8.0

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