{{Quickfixn}} FIX connection Logout/Login Problem

YUTAKA YOSHIDA ysdytk1973 at gmail.com
Wed Jul 15 04:09:12 PDT 2020

Hello everyone,

I am using Quickfixn for accessing LMAX.
I have a serious problem now.
During receiving the price updates from the server, logout/login repeats
LMAX said like this.

If your software gets overwhelmed it will return a TCP Window size=0, this
means that you’re not able to receive further messages at the moment, and
the TCP transmission is halted until it can process the messages in its
receive buffer.

TCP back pressure will result when your software is unable to process the
TCP packets fast enough (can't keep up) so messages start to back up on our
side awaiting being sent.  If your software gets overwhelmed it will return
a TCP Window size = 0 which means that there is no room to send anything
more at this time and messages queue up awaiting the next available window

We can try reducing the amount of updates we are sending to you (I can see
your account is currently set as 1000 updates / sec with 20 levels depth
market data) or you can reduce the number of instruments you are
subscribing to. Please also contact you bridge provider to look at this


To solve this issue, I did the following steps.

-I upgraded VPS.

-I reduced the number of instruments to subscribe to.

-I commented on codes related to file writing.

However, this issue remains.

I have some errors in the FIX log file.

I am attaching it.

Can you help me now?
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