{{Quickfixn}} Quickfix logging

Pavel pavka1799 at gmail.com
Sat Jun 6 14:54:00 PDT 2020


This question appears here quite frequently, so probably it would be good
to have an example along with QF/n sources, showing how easy it is to
implement ILog with additional functionality.
As a proposal, just did PR #608, adding two projects:
* Examples.SerilogLog - a sample implementation of limited-total-size
rolling files, using Serlog NuGet;
* Examples.SerilogLog.UnitTests - unit tests for the one above.

@Veduruparthi Raju - answering your question, you can see the example in
 SerilogLog.cs file. It is very straightforward, relies on  Serilog's
parameters "rollOnFileSizeLimit: true, fileSizeLimitBytes: NNN,
retainedFileCountLimit: MMM".

Dear @Maintainers, would appreciate your feedback on the proposal. On one
hand, to reference ILog from the example, it is good to have them both in
one solution. On the other hand, I can imagine, it may be too cumbersome to
burden the solution with such small samples, and also with dependencies to
the 3rd party NuGets...

Thank you!

Best regards,

On Wed, 20 May 2020 at 19:29, Veduruparthi Raju <rveduruparthi at gmail.com>

> Hello ,
> Is there a way to split the quickfix logs to multiple files based on
> configured file size limits? If so can you refer to any sample code snippet
> or any guide lines.
> Thanks,
> --Raju.v
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