{{Quickfixn}} Bringing down an individual session

Campbell Wild Campbell.Wild at ihsmarkit.com
Fri Feb 21 08:03:24 PST 2020

What's the recommended approach for bringing down an individual FIX connection?

If I have several FIX sessions configured within the same engine, I don't want to have to bring all the sessions down (i.e. stop the app, comment out the one session in the config to prevent it from starting up, starting up the app again) as the other sessions may be processing messages, and restarting will cause them to have to resync with the overhead of checking for PossResends etc.

Last time I checked, there didn't appear to be any way of modifying the running config.  Ideally I would like to modify the loaded config by setting the session End time to the next minute which would bring the engine down neatly.  I can actually change the values in the running config, they just don't get reloaded.

The only way I've managed to emulate this is to force send a Logout message, then essentially ignore all incoming messages.  But the engine then keeps trying to reconnect.

Similarly, I'd like to start the engine up with certain sessions inactive, that could be enabled at runtime, without requiring a restart.

Just wondering if I've missed something obvious, or if the only "real" way to do this is to restart the application.



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