{{Quickfixn}} MessageParseError happens upon logon

Pablo Fernandes pablo at vexter.com.br
Wed Oct 9 14:26:53 PDT 2019

After the first message, logon, the server sends the following response:

*<incoming> 8=FIX.4.4 9=108 35=A 34=1 49=SENDERCOMPID
52=20191009-20:28:04.669 56=TARGETCOMPID 95=21 96=rtcedro rtcedro CHAVE
98=0 108=10 141=Y 10=125 *

But QuickFix throws the error:
*<event> Session FIX.4.4:TARGETCOMPID->CEDRO disconnecting:
QuickFix.MessageParseError: Could not parse message: Error at position (3)
while parsing msg (8=FIX.4.4 9=108 35=A 34=1 49=SENDERCOMPID
52=20191009-20:28:04.669 56=TARGETCOMPID 95=21 96=rtcedro rtcedro CHAVE
98=0 108=10 141=Y 10=125 ) ---> System.FormatException: Input string was
not in a correct format.*

The issue report on GitHub #465 (
https://github.com/connamara/quickfixn/issues/465) mentions the same error
i'm getting, but i couldn't find the "ExtractField method" they mentioned
and i think their issue is already solved.
This logon *incoming* message doesn't seem to hit any callback as i tried
debbuging and the code goes from *ToAdmin *directly to *OnLogout*.

How can i intercept the message or, even better, make QuickFix stop try to
convert a string to an int?

Thanks in advance!
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