{{Quickfixn}} Adding Custom Messages

(Eddie) John Jackson eddie at datobyte.com
Tue Mar 5 08:44:23 PST 2019

I see part of my problem as I was using the dll instead of the QuickFixn project.  But the classes are generated.  I have tried to directly add the new class but that does not seem to work either.

Can someone help with the steps to add a new message to the QuickFixn project to create the classes for the custom message?

Kind Regards,


From: Quickfixn <quickfixn-bounces at lists.quickfixn.com> On Behalf Of (Eddie) John Jackson
Sent: Tuesday, March 5, 2019 9:34 AM
To: Mailing list for QuickFIX/n <quickfixn at lists.quickfixn.com>
Subject: {{Quickfixn}} Adding Custom Messages

I have added a custom message to the DataDictionary but I can’t see class or reference it in my code.  Is there anything else that I would need to do to create an instance of the class?  I have cleaned and rebuilt each project.  I assumed that it is created the classes from metadata of the DataDictionary.

    <message name="StreamAssignmentReportACK" msgcat="app" msgtype="CE">
      <field name="StreamAsgnAckType" required="Y"/>
      <field name="StreamAsgnRptID" required="Y"/>
      <field name="StreamAsgnRejReason" required="N"/>
      <field name="Text" required="N"/>
      <field name="EncodedTextLen" required="N"/>
      <field name="EncodedText" required="N"/>
    <message name="QuoteAck" msgcat="app" msgtype="CW">
      <field name="QuoteID" required="Y" />
      <field name="QuoteAckStatus" required="Y" />
      <field name="QuoteRejectReason" required="N" />
      <field name="RejectText" required="N" />

<value description="STREAMASSIGNMENTREPORTACK" enum="CE"/>
<value description="QUOTEACK" enum="CW"/>
<value description="NEWORDERSINGLE" enum="D"/>
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