{{Quickfixn}} disconnecting: Received msg type '3' when not logged on

Francis Gingras francis at collective2.com
Mon Jun 25 09:13:10 PDT 2018

Hi Pavel,

I have been working with QF for over a decade and I never knew this existed. It solved my problem, thank you!


From: Pavel <pavka1799 at gmail.com>
To: "Mailing list for QuickFIX/n" <quickfixn at lists.quickfixn.com>
Date: Sunday, June 24, 2018, 6:24:10 AM
Subject: {{Quickfixn}} disconnecting: Received msg type '3' when not logged on

Hi Francis

I can only re-post my own similar question with a potential solution based on "IApplicationExt.FromEarlyIntercept" handler (see below between ***** ), though there was no answer from QuickFix/n gurus.
In your case you can add handling of MsgType.REJECT there...


Please advise, what is the proper handling of wrong credentials on logon in initiator?

At the start of application Logon window is displayed to prompt for user name + password, and in case of logon failure corresponding message should be displayed, prompting for correct input again. How is this scenario supported by QuickFix/n?

In case username/password is wrong, QuickFix/n Initiator will keep on logon attempts, and I could not find any other handler of this situation but in "IApplicationExt.FromEarlyIntercept". Apparently no other handler is called in such a case, all logic is kept internally within the QuickFix/n engine - it just continues logon failures with the wrong password every <ReconnectInterval> seconds...

So, my questions are:
1. To handle invalid username/password - is it correct to catch "logout" (MsgType=5) messages in "FromEarlyIntercept"?
(Also it implies having a flag that logon is in progress, to distinguish "wrong credentials logout" from other scenarios...)

2. How to stop Initiator from logons with the wrong credentials - is calling the session's "Logout" a proper solution? 

3. The below code - does it look generally correct to handle invalid credentials in the client (initiator) app with a Logon window (assuming Connect() is called from the Logon window)?

Thank you!

Best regards,

public void Connect(..)
    _connecting = true;


public void FromEarlyIntercept(Message msg, SessionID sessionID)
    if (_connecting)
        string msgType = msg.Header.GetField(Tags.MsgType);
        switch (msgType)
            case MsgType.LOGOUT: // Got logout when connecting - wrong credentials?
                Session.LookupSession(sessionID).Logout("Invalid credentials"); // Stop further logon attempts?
                <signal logon failure / wrong credentials to the Logon Window>

public void OnLogon(SessionID sessionID)
    _connecting = false;


On 20 June 2018 at 23:40, Francis Gingras <francis at collective2.com> wrote:
Hi guys,

Is there a configuration option that would let QF process a Reject as a response to a Logon message? This counterparty responds to failed auth with a reject but the message never makes it to the QF MessageCracker. I am using QF/n 1.8

20180620-21:33:40.584 : Initiated logon request
20180620-21:33:40.686 : Session FIX.4.2:blabla->Coinbase disconnecting: Received msg type '3' when not logged on

20180620-21:33:40.584 : 8=FIX.4.2 9=178 35=A 34=1 49=blabla=20180620-21:33:40.567 56=Coinbase 96=superdupersecret 98=0 108=30 141=Y 554=notsosecret 8013=N 9406=Y 10=215 
20180620-21:33:40.677 : 8=FIX.4.2 9=128 35=3 52=20180620-21:33:40.468 49=Coinbase 56=blabla=1 45=1 58=invalid signature 371=96 372=A 373=5 10=193 



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