{{Quickfixn}} a question about ClOrdID in Allocation Messages not matching the value used in New Order Single Messages

Mark Cooke mc.developer at verizon.net
Wed May 30 09:26:56 PDT 2018

For some years now, our application has been using a values for ClOrdID 
when sending Allocation Messages, which does not match the value used in 
our New Order Single Messages. Though, they are still unique and have 
meaning to us.

The value has been echoed back to us in the AllocationAck messages.

But we are now talking to a different counter party and they are 
rejecting our Allocation Messages because they expect our values to be 
the same for both New Order Single and these Allocation Messages.

Personally, I always thought they should have been the same, but it has 
not mattered until this new counter party.

It would be easy enough to change our code to be consistent, but I'm 
just curious if this "requirement" makes sense?

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