{{Quickfixn}} How can we add tag 128 to system message

Jie Zhu Jie.Zhu at icbkfs.com
Mon Apr 30 09:54:51 PDT 2018


     We have a project which has a fix hub sitting in the middle of our company and our client.  Both our fix application and our client fix application are acting as fix initiator and the fix hub is acting as a fix acceptor.   We add a tag 128 (DeliverToCompID) for every messages we sent to our client company.

My question is for application messages, such as 35=AE, 35=AR, 35=j, it is very easy to add that tag to the message. But for some system messages, such as 35=3, those messages are handled by fix engine itself.  Is there a way that we can customize to add a tag 128 to it?


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