{{Quickfixn}} Secure Initiator to Bloomberg

William Taniguchi william.taniguchi at verdeasset.com.br
Wed Jun 21 09:42:19 PDT 2017

If you mean the new(ish) TLS mandatory connection, you need only to install the PFX on your server and set SSLEnable, SSLCertificate, SSLCertificatePassword and SSLProtocols=Tls12.

From: Quickfixn [mailto:quickfixn-bounces at lists.quickfixn.com] On Behalf Of Steve Smith
Sent: Wednesday, June 21, 2017 13:20
To: quickfixn at lists.quickfixn.com
Subject: {{Quickfixn}} Secure Initiator to Bloomberg

Has anyone successfully connected an initiator to BBG using a secure connection? If so, can you describe how you were able to get it done, including config examples, either using QF / N or stunnel? Did you have to register any certificates with Windows?   Many thanks

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