{{Quickfixn}} FIX 5.0 messages in the transport layer. Where are they in QuickFix.dll?

Philip Clem phclem at gmail.com
Thu Jun 8 12:24:20 PDT 2017

I need some help. 

I have not received an answer to my question about where to find in
QuickFix.dll, the FIX 5 messages that are defined in the Transport layer.

To repeat, the question is about where in QuickFix.dll are the Reject,
Logon, Logoff, TestRequest, messages defined for Fix 5.0?

In our implementation on top of QuickFix in FIX44 we have occasion to create
and send those messages. 

I am now implementing messaging for FIX 5 and I am unable to find them in
QuickFix.dll for FIX50 or a QuickFixT.1.1 to do the equivalent in FIX 5 for
what I did in FIX44:


QuickFix.Message message = new QuickFix.FIX44.Logon(

new QuickFix.Fields.EncryptMethod(0), new



I do have FIXT11.xml and I am using it.

Is this question: 

1) completely off the mark and inappropriate because I should not have to
create those messages and so they are not in the assembly namespace, 

2) too obvious or dumb, or 

3) nobody knows?

I can't believe it is #3.

Where are the messages in QuickFix.dll or what am I doing wrong if I think I
need them, as I used them in FIX 4.4?

Thanks in advance for any help.



Philip H. Clem

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