{{Quickfixn}} ValidateUserDefinedFields=N does not work

Timbaliuc, Veaceslav Veaceslav.Timbaliuc at cibc.com
Thu Mar 17 13:22:57 PDT 2016


When I set ValidateUserDefinedFields=N in my configuration file, QuickFix\N seems to ignore this. I am writing an initiator, then when I do a trade on a fix session, my initiator sends a 35=3 message, with 58=Tag not defined for this message type371=1003372=AE373=2.

Why am I getting "tag not defined messages"? I thought that was the point of ValidateUserDefinedFields? Has anyone ever run into this problem?

Best Regards,

Veaceslav Timbaliuc
Advisory Application Developer
Global Derivatives Technology
CIBC - Wholesale Banking Technology
Tel: 416-304-2327
veaceslav.timbaliuc at cibc.com<mailto:veaceslav.timbaliuc at cibc.com>

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