{{Quickfixn}} Encrypted messages

Oleg Vojvodić oleg at stinga.hr
Thu Jun 14 02:06:06 PDT 2012

Well, I am not sure what exactly I need. I’m still learning. But I think we do not need a secure connection, just encrypted FIX messages.

We are a small company and one of our customers wants a FIX connection with Bloomberg. BTW, do you know if there are any QuickFixN implementations that work with Bloomberg.

Bloomberg support is not very helpful. The best what I could learn from them is this statement:

"When you send a FIX logon message it should be encrypted using our certificate."

Fix specification has very little information about encryption and I could not find the field it mentions (SecureData) in QuickFix source. 

So I guess, my question is, is it common (or possible) to use SSL to encrypt messages and send them over unencrypted connection. Or did I just completely misunderstand what Bloomberg support is telling me.


From: quickfixn-bounces at lists.quickfixn.com [mailto:quickfixn-bounces at lists.quickfixn.com] On Behalf Of Grant Birchmeier
Sent: Wednesday, June 13, 2012 11:38 PM
To: Mailing list for QuickFIX/n
Subject: Re: {{Quickfixn}} Encrypted messages

Do you mean SSH?

On Wed, Jun 13, 2012 at 11:06 AM, Oleg Vojvodić <oleg at stinga.hr> wrote:

This is my first FIX and QuickFIX project. I've created a server/acceptor
and client/initiator and everything seems to work.

Now, we received a request for message encryption.  I've looked at the
QuickFIX source and it looks like the encryption method is hardcoded to

Does QuickFIX/N supports encrypted messages?


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Grant Birchmeier
Connamara Systems, LLC
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