{{Quickfixn}} Socket Deadlock Issue

Manuel Lopez lopez.post at gmail.com
Fri Jun 8 11:33:50 PDT 2012

To the extent that this would solve or ameliorate some of the issues, it
would be helpful if some application code along the lines suggested by
Thomas Tomiczek and others could be provided as part of the quickfixn
documentation.  It wouldn't be anyone's real app code, but a bare
bones example of the recommended pattern.  Thanks.  (fwiw I think the most
recent versions of c# have simplified the syntax for handling separate

> The way I handle this is:
> *         Take incoming message
> *         Propagate to my own queue, then handle it from there.
> As a result, I am not even "cracking" messages in the receiving thread,
> but later in the processing handler. This one runs, as I said, in a
>  separate thread with an in memory queue ;)
> Yes, it COULD fill up, but that would require a large amount of messages ;)
> Regards
> Thomas
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