{{Quickfixn}} Initiator hangs

Grant Birchmeier gbirchmeier at connamara.com
Thu May 17 07:03:57 PDT 2012

QF/n can handle a fairly heavy amount of simultaneous two-way communication.

Raising an event does not automatically move that processing to another
thread. I think you are still blocking.

On Thu, May 17, 2012 at 4:28 AM, Felipe Soares <
felipe.soares at traderdata.com.br> wrote:

> Ok I understood that while I ama t onMessage call-back I am blocking qf,
> but what I do is raise na event, so it愀 really fast. Inside the event is
> where I am asking for marketdataRequest. If I remove this request I am
> able to receive 10000 symbols.
> Is there a problem to have my initiator sending multiple messages to
> acceptor at "same" time as acceptor is sending multiple messages to
> initiator? Because for each symbol I send a marketdataRequest (I am not
> using groups...I am using one request per symbol).
> thabks
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