{{Quickfixn}} Acceptor not reacting to tag 141 (ResetSeqNumFlag) in logon request

Grant Birchmeier gbirchmeier at connamara.com
Sun May 13 09:25:02 PDT 2012

Can you send the message logs from each?  Just the first few lines with the
login messages and a little after should be enough.

Also, please send the configurations for each side.


On Sat, May 12, 2012 at 4:35 PM, Remco de Koning <remco at solid-trading.com>wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm new to this mailing list, so I'm not quite sure whether this question
> was already asked and answered, so I'll give it a try.
> I have an acceptor and an initiator that are both using the QuickFIXn
> library (new release 1.2.0). When the initiator is sending
> a logon request, it sends tag 141(ResetSeqNumFlag)=Y, as it wants to reset
> the sequence numbers. The acceptor seems to
> ignore this flag which could lead to sequence numbers not being, nor
> becoming, in sync. A short snip from the event.log and
> the messages.log (note: SFX_ADMIN_INTERFACE is the acceptor, CPPTestClient
> is the initiator):
> Event.log
> 20120512-21:12:40.675 : Connecting to on port 9500
> 20120512-21:12:40.675 : Connection succeeded
> 20120512-21:12:40.706 : Initiated logon request
> 20120512-21:12:40.768 : Received logout request
> 20120512-21:12:40.768 : Sending logout response
> 20120512-21:12:40.768 : Session
> FIX.4.2:CPPTestClient->SFX_ADMIN_INTERFACE disconnecting: Received logout
> request
> Messages.log
> 20120512-21:12:40.706 : 8=FIX.4.29=9335=A34=149=CPPTestClient52=
> 20120512-21:12:40.69056=SFX_ADMIN_INTERFACE98=0108=30141=Y10=174
> 20120512-21:12:40.768 : 8=FIX.4.29=12635=534=71549=SFX_ADMIN_INTERFACE52=
> 20120512-21:12:40.76856=CPPTestClient58=MsgSeqNum too low, expecting 9
> but received 110=153
> 20120512-21:12:40.768 : 8=FIX.4.29=7535=534=249=CPPTestClient52=
> 20120512-21:12:40.76856=SFX_ADMIN_INTERFACE10=099
> I had expected a logon-response such as the following (actually copied
> from older logs, when the same acceptor was linked to the old .NET wrapper
> around the C++ version of QuickFIX):
> 20120507-08:24:31.401 : 8=FIX.4.29=9335=A34=149=BigBoss_Keiga52=
> 20120507-08:24:31.37056=SFX_ADMIN_INTERFACE98=0108=30141=Y10=188
> 20120507-08:24:31.401 : 8=FIX.4.29=9335=A34=149=SFX_ADMIN_INTERFACE52=
> 20120507-08:24:31.40156=BigBoss_Keiga98=0108=30141=Y10=183
> I am able to fix this in the code of the library (actually in the
> NextLogon-method of Session.cs) by replacing the line
> if (!state_.IsInitiator && this.ResetOnLogon)
> with
> if (!state_.IsInitiator && (this.ResetOnLogon || state_.ReceivedReset))
> which leads to a behavior that seems to work:
> 20120512-21:13:59.908 : 8=FIX.4.29=9335=A34=149=CPPTestClient52=
> 20120512-21:13:59.84556=SFX_ADMIN_INTERFACE98=0108=30141=Y10=187
> 20120512-21:14:00.095 : 8=FIX.4.29=9335=A34=149=SFX_ADMIN_INTERFACE52=
> 20120512-21:14:00.06456=CPPTestClient98=0108=30141=Y10=167
> My question is the following: Have any of you ran into the same situation
> and  - if so - how did you solve it? I doubt that my change in the code is
> the correct
> way to solve it ...
> Kind regards,
>                 Remco de Koning
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Grant Birchmeier
*Connamara Systems, LLC*
*Made-To-Measure Trading Solutions.*
Exactly what you need. No more. No less.*
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