{{Quickfixn}} note to QF/n engine developers

Grant Birchmeier gbirchmeier at connamara.com
Thu Jun 28 08:32:26 PDT 2012

To anyone hacking on the QF/n source, I want to give you a heads-up about a
recent merge.

I fixed issue 43, which removes all occurrences of "QuickFIX.net" and
changes them to "QuickFIXn" (the former was an early name for the project,
which we changed due to possible trademark concerns).

Specifically, the solution name changed and the name of the main dir for
the engine's source got changed. It's not actually that interesting, but
there were a lot of file-moves due to the dir name change, so it might look
scary if you update your fork.

Here's the pull request, where you can see a diff.

As you were.

Grant Birchmeier
*Connamara Systems, LLC*
*Made-To-Measure Trading Solutions.*
Exactly what you need. No more. No less.*
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